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Monday, December 14, 2009

Did You Ever Have One Of Those Days?

Well, today was one of those days. If I would have known, I might have crawled back into bed and pulled the covers over my head and went back to sleep. My day started out at 7:00 a.m., and I am not a morning person. Marti is the first to get up. It takes her forever to get going. I jumped in the shower and got ready. Marti makes sure everyone else is up and going. Eric took the kids to school today. By 8:00 I was in the kitchen. I don’t do any work on Sunday. Mondays are always rough. I couldn’t find my meatloaf recipe anywhere. Eric remembered that I had put a copy of it in a family cookbook. Once I had my recipe I have to figure out serving sizes. Each meal serves 6, so that means a lot of multiplying and dividing to figure out how to make a recipe that serves 8 to serve 6. Then, I have to multiply everything to get how much I need for each family. The shopping list is next. Usually, I go shopping now. But Eric’s Aunt Sue was with us this weekend and he had to run her around town. I decided to wait until he got home so he could go with me. I started on some prep: chopping onions, celery, garlic, and parsley. You would be surprised how long it takes to chop 7 cups of onions. And yes I have a million gadgets, including a food processor, which can cut up vegetables fast. I hate that the vegetables aren’t the same size. I’m not a perfectionist, but it really bothers me when they aren’t the same size. So I usually cut everything up by hand. Eric was back and his Aunt Sue left. Finally time to go shopping. Everything had to be put away and cleaned up. At the store everything went fine, no problems there. I was running short on time by now. I still had to run to the container store. So to save time we just grabbed the foil pans from the store. They cost a lot more, but it was just for today. I got home around 1:30. I had to get the potatoes for twice-baked potatoes in the oven. I scrubbed them, poked them with holes, oiled and salted them and into the oven they went. Now it was time to work on the meatloaf, the topping, and the tomato gravy. I get the meatloaf finished and in the refrigerator. Before Eric left to get the kids from school I had him make a tiny meatball out of the meatloaf to test the taste. Everything was ok there. The topping was next. I followed the recipe in the family cookbook. When I got done with it, it didn’t smell right. I decide to wait until Eric got home and tried it. While waiting for him to get home I started working on the potatoes. I opened the oven to check how done they were, and BOOM. One of the potatoes exploded in the oven. I must not have poked it. What a mess. There were potatoes everywhere. All I could do was laugh. I had to take all the potatoes out and clean up the mess. I didn’t think I would ever get back on track. I got it cleaned up before Eric got home with the kids. When he got home we had a good laugh about the potato. I had him taste the topping and yes it was awful. I think the recipe was typed into the family cookbook wrong. So I made up my own topping. I will probably find the original recipe tomorrow. With all my mess-ups I was only 15 minutes behind. Eric called everyone and told them to come 15 minutes later. I’m thinking of taking the meatloaf with twice baked potatoes off the menu. What a day. I hope everyone’s meal were great. I love doing this, but today was long. I’m going to take a nice long hot bath.

1 comment:

andrea said...

oh bless your hearth meagan!! i heard that dish was wonderful though so you wouldn't have even known what a crazy day you had! i am excited for tonights deeelicous dinner!! :) see you soon!