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Sunday, January 10, 2010

Menu for the week of January 18 to January 22

Monday January 18 (0 Openings)
Beef Chili with Toppings

Scones with Honey Butter

Tuesday January 19
(O Openings)
Chicken Cordon Bleu with Honey Mustard Sauce
Rice Pilaf
(Suggested Sides: Salad and Vegetable)

Wednesday January 20
(1 Opening)
Curried Chicken with Rice Soup
Homemade Rolls

Thursday January 21
(1 Opening)
Beef Stroganoff
Buttered Egg Noodles
(Suggested Sides: Salad and Vegetable)

Friday January 22
(1 Opening)
Glazed Chicken Breast
Cranberry Sauce
Garlic Red Mashed Potatoes
(Suggested Sides: Salad with Vegetable)


Allyson said...

Wow that chicken was delicious! Thank you! So wonderful to not cook or break the bank and still enjoy a great meal!

Emily said...

Even though I am not a full time customer, please, please, please put me down and reserve a spot for me whenever you have that glazed chicken. LOVED it!!!