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Sunday, June 10, 2012

Menu for the week of June 10 to June 17

Hey everyone,
Hope that you have had a great start to the summer.  I will send everyone their updated accounts later this week.  As you can see, I will only be cooking on Wednesday this week.  The summer meals are so labor intensive.  It is usually a 8 to 10 hour day for both my husband and me.  I can't do it by myself.  Eric has started a wonderful new job.  Here is the downside, he is out of town for most of the week.  He will only be home for a few days at a time.  I am in charge of all the helpful things he does when he is here, including carpooling kids. :)  So, the plan for now is to cook on the days when he is home.  I will not be cooking on traveling days.  He is almost always home on Tuesday or Wednesday.  Luckily, Tuesday and Wednesday are always my busiest days.  Some weeks he might be home more and I will schedule Meagan's Meals accordingly.  Thank you for all your support and understanding.  Meagan
Wednesday, June 13
Chef Salad
Homemade Ranch Dressing and Croutons
Yummy Crusty Hard Rolls

This is chef salad to the max! If you can think of a topping, you'll find it on this salad. The list of ingredients is seemingly endless: moist chicken breast, crunchy bacon, sliced ham, two kinds of cheese, hard-boiled eggs, shredded carrots, shredded cabbage, crisp cucumber, and sweet grape tomatoes. I top it off with my homemade ranch dressing. If you're lucky, you'll get some of my famous, homemade croutons to make this salad perfection. That is, unless my husband sneaks all of them first.

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